
Your Christening

The Church in Wales believes that children are a precious gift from God. Your child is special, and we hope that their christening, or baptism as it’s sometimes called, will prove to be the start of an amazing journey with him.

You can be christened (or baptised) either as a child or as an adult. Jesus himself was baptised in the River Jordan, and many adults who are christened/baptised do so as an opportunity to follow in his footsteps and publicly declare their Christian faith.

Babies and very young children are too young to make this commitment for themselves, so parents or guardians, along with their godparents, make that declaration of commitment to the Christian faith for them.

Parents, guardians and godparents who bring children to be christened are themselves asked to commit to sharing that special journey of faith with them. They will be asked to commit to pray for their child, and to help them learn more about Jesus and the Christian faith. They will also commit to help them navigate their way through life against a backdrop of faith, hope, and love, and to help them become part of the wider church family.

  • Yes. The word ‘Christen’ means to admit some one as a Christian in baptism. Traditionally people tend to associate Christening with the baptism of infants.

  • Many of the promises and undertakings made by parents and Godparents at Baptism imply that you take seriously the promises you are making. It is important, therefore, to feel part of the local Christian community into which your child is being baptised.

    The Vicar will require some indication of that commitment and will discuss this with you as part of the preparation process.

  • There is no charge to hold a Baptism Service for your child. However, we do take a voluntary collection at the service, and any donations are very gratefully received. Donations we receive from these services help us invest in children and young people in our community and also help us to look after our church buildings.

  • Yes! We strongly encourage you to bring children of family members and friends along with you.

    Your vicar will try to involve them in the service as much as possible, and will give a child-friendly talk during the service.

  • In the first instance we invite those exploring baptism to come along on a Sunday and then to meet with one of the clergy team after the service over cup of tea/coffee.

    You can prepare for this initial meeting by completing this short form.