St John | Machen

St John’s Church | Church Street Machen

CF83 8PJ

10.00am Holy Eucharist



St. John the Baptist Church is situated in the heart of the village of Machen just up the hill from the war memorial and the village shop. It was built in the mid-19th century financed by the Morgan family who are buried in our neighbour church, St Michael and all Angels, Lower Machen. People have been worshipping here for about 170 years.

The main service is at 10 o’clock and this is a mix of a Communion Service and a “Do it Yourself” lay led services. Whilst we naturally enjoy Communion with a priest we also have great fun with our own service which is taken voluntarily by a member of the congregation. Some Sundays we have as many as six people involved in the service not to mention those who prepare and serve the refreshments after the service. We are a very happy group of people who are loyal and regular attenders.