St Barrwg | Bedwas

St Barrwg’s Church | Church Street Bedwas

CF83 8AX


10.00am Holy Eucharist


St. Barrwg’s Church is situated on a hill at the top of Church Street in Bedwas. It is a Grade 2 listed building which dates back to 1102 and is one of the oldest churches in Wales. It is of significant architectural and historic interest. It is said that St. Barrwg’s was used by Oliver Cromwell’s army as accommodation for their horses during the siege of Caerphilly Castle.

St Barrwg’s Mothers and Toddlers meet weekly on Thursday mornings. The children play with a variety of age related toys, parents and childminders have refreshments and the children have healthy snacks of fruit and toast. There are craft sessions and singing and the session closes with a prayer.

Coffee Mornings are held on the last Friday of every month. They are well attended by the church members and the wider community and raise regular much needed funds for the church.